Curating an Aesthetic Collective
Your brick and mortar location should communicate your brand message and identity and communicate clear messages of cohesion in connection with your website, in both aesthetics and experience.
Your brick and mortar should be an inspiration to your greatness, expertise and a reflection of your personal style.
Your brick and mortar location should provide a sensory experience thus inducing awareness, connection, positive attribution, referrals, conversion to your website.
Your brick and mortar location should non verbally communicate your caliber of aesthetic work.
Your brick and mortar location should evoke emotions to induce revenue.
01. in·te·ri·or de·sign
the ART or process of DESIGNING the INTERIOR decoration of a room or building.
Interior Design
+ Initial Assessment
+ On-site Consultation
+ Preliminary Design Schemes
+ Furniture Layouts
02. style
Refined Style
+ Furniture Selection
+ Lighting and Accessories
+ Color and Finish
+ Materials and Textiles
03. ex·pe·ri·ence
an event or occurrence that leaves an IMPRESSION on someone.
Visual Experience
+ Differentiating Details
+ Emotional Connections
+ Function and Flow
+ Unique Environment